Gardening Seminar SCHEDULE
Friday, February 7
Noon California's Native Palette
By Cathy Capone, California Native Plant Society, Alta Peak
1:00 Drought Tolerant Plants
By Nancy Hawkins, Master Gardener
2:00 Square Foot Gardening
By Chris Sandstrom, Master Gardener
3:00 Art From the Garden
By Cecile Garrison, Sequoia Gourd Society
4:00 Rose Care
By Anne Skinner, Master Gardener
5:00 Success with Hot Weather Annuals
By Cecile Garrison, Sequoia Gourd Society
Saturday, February 8
11:00 Art From the Garden
By Cecile Garrison, Sequoia Gourd Society
12:00 California Natives
By Payton Ellas, California Native Plant Society, Alta Peak
1:00 Fire Blight & Fruit Control
By Robert Dupree, Tree DoctoRx
2:00 Affordable Backyard Landscape Design
By Melanie McKenzie, Biomirage Landscape Design in association with Luis Nursery
3:00 Creating a Pollinator Garden
By Leslie McKnight, Master Gardeners
4:00 Constructing And Maintaining Today’s Pool
By Greg Kearns, Wildwood Pools
Sunday, February 9
11:00 Square Foot Gardening
By Chris Sandstrom, Master Gardener
12:00 (To be Announced)
1:00 Common Insect & Diseases in Valley Trees
By Robert Dupree, Tree DoctoRx
2:00 Drought Tolerant Plants
By Nancy Hawkins, Maser Gardener
3:00 Constructing And Maintaining Today’s Pool
By Greg Kearns, Wildwood Pools